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Alliance Experts

Lei Yu
Associate Research Fellow
Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning
Black Carbon Co-control




1. Wang JN, Lei Y, Yang JT, Yan G, 2012. China’s air pollution control calls for sustainable strategy for theuse of coal. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(8), 4263-4264. doi:10.1021/es301226n.

2. LeiY, Zhang Q, He KB, Streets DG, 2011. Primaryanthropogenic aerosol emission trends for China, 1990–2005. AtmosphericChemistry and Physics, 11, 931-954.(2011年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文)

3. LeiY, Zhang Q, Nielsen CP, He KB, 2011. An inventoryof primary air pollutants and CO2 emissions from cement production in China,1990-2020. Atmospheric Environment, 45(1), 147-154. ("Top-50 most citedarticles" published in Atmospheric Environment, 2010-2011)

4. HeKB, Lei Y, Pan XC, Zhang YS, ZhangQ, Chen D, 2010. Co-benefits from energy policies in China. Energy, 35(11),4265-4272.

Black Carbon Prevention and Control Collaboration Network

Black carbon has significant effects in both health of human beings and global warming, as a key component of PM2.5. ...

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