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Position:OUR EXPERTS»Alliance Organizations»Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Alliance Organizations

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) established a joint research center, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy (CTC) with the International Relations department in 2010, of which energy and climate program is an important research arm. Together with scholars in other centers of Carnegie, CTC focuses on China’s energy policy, particularly those relate to transportation and unconventional oil.

CEIP has published large number of research on the environment and climate implications of unconventional oil and transportation, and have invested significant efforts in analyzing China’s energy transition, and its related environment implications including air pollution and energy-water nexus. CTC has published policy analysis on China’s electric vehicle policy and remains an active observer to its development in China. CTC also contributed to the NDRC commissioned research on low carbon transportation and urbanization together with Prof QI Ye in Tsinghua.

Most recently, CEIP and CTC finished two research, one on Oil Climate Index (OCI) that investigates in unconventional oils’ life cycle greenhouse gas footprint, and the other one on China’s petcoke consumption, and its contribution to air pollution and climate change.