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Position:List of Measures»Transport Control-Pricing measures»Value Pricing Strategies

Transport Control
Value Pricing Strategies
Source Category Pollutants Related Authorities Cost Summary
Transport Control-Pricing measures NOx,CO2, VOCs,PM Transport Department TBD Implementation of value pricing strategies such as tolling on bridges and congestion pricing to control the vehicle flows in different time period

This measure will reduce emissions of the key ozone precursors, ROG and NOx, by managing travel demand during congested conditions and improving regional bus service through value pricing. In addition, the measure will reduce emissions of particulate matter, air toxics and greenhouse gases.


Value pricing (which is also known as congestion pricing) refers to varying road tolls wherein higher prices are set at congested times and locations and lower prices are set at less congested times and locations for purposes of reducing peak‐period traffic volumes to optimal levels. Tolls can vary based on a fixed schedule, or they can be dynamic, meaning that rates change depending on the level of congestion that exists at a particular time. Value pricing serves as a demand management strategy on existing roadways to avoid the need to add capacity. In addition, value pricing can raise needed revenues for a wide‐range of transportation improvements, including public transit. This measure would affect all intraregional travel, including commute travel; shopping, personal business, social and recreational travel; passenger and commute trips to airports; and school trips.

Expected Results

Emission Reduction


In addition to the pollutants shown above, this measure will reduce emissions of the following pollutants by less than 0.01 tons per day: PM10, PM2.5 and NH3 (ammonia).

Exposure Reduction

This measure will reduce region‐wide population exposure to air pollutants based on the estimated reduction in emissions.


•Generation of new funds for multi‐modal transportation improvements. •Travel time savings.

Emission Reduction Trade‐offs

None identified.

Related Authorities

Local governments, Local Polices and transit agencies are encouraged to partner with Transport Department to implement value pricing.

Implementation Action

Phase 1 (2012) MTC will assist SFCTA in implementing recommendations of the Mobility, Access, and Pricing Study in San Francisco (if applicable and feasible). Phase 2 (2020) MTC will consider time‐of‐day pricing on trans‐Bay bridges as a part of future bridge toll increases. If the value pricing on the Bay Bridge is successful, value pricing may be considered for application to other bridges in the region, if feasible. MTC will continue to assist SFCTA in implementing recommendations of the Mobility, Access, and Pricing Study in San Francisco (if applicable and feasible).


To be determined

Monitoring Mechanisms

Track whether new legislative authority is granted SFCTA to implement its MAPS strategies. Track implementation status of SFCTA’s MAPS strategies.



1. San Francisco County Transportation Authority < MOBILITY, ACCESS AND PRICING STUDY>


3. FHWA’s Value Pricing Program

4. Cambridge Systematics. “San Francisco‐Oakland Bay Bridge Congestion Pricing – Phase 1 Final Report.” October 7, 2009.