The 5th Bluetech Awards were revealed by the Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA) inMarch 2020, and there are five Bluetech Award winners and two Bluetech FutureStar Award winners, including Ultra Low Emission Filtration and Dust CollectionTechnology, Selective circulation of sintered Glue Gas Technology, WideTemperature Particle measurement systems and etc. The technologies applicationsare all from five categories with strong needs from Chinese cities, comprisingof non-power sector coal pollution control, air quality monitoring, dieselengine pollution control, and clean energy. The applications were all evaluatedbased on the requirements of the Bluetech Technology Assessment Methodology,which evaluates the technological, environmental, and economic performances ofthe technologies.
Donaldson ultra-low emission dust removalproduct technology mainly uses the surface filtration method of nano-fiberfilter material, using an ultra-thin fiber layer adhering to the filtermaterial, allowing almost all the particles be concentrated on the surface ofthe filter material, thereby reducing penetrated particles in the bottom layerto improve the filtration effect. Compared with traditional cartridge dustcollectors, the new innovated dust collector of Donaldson Company Inc. usessmaller size and saves 40% of filter bags. The product is widely used in metalgrinding, plasma cutting, material handling, pharmaceuticals industry, hot-airspraying, welding, metal forging, glass industry, food industry and otherbusinesses.
Wide Temperature Nanometer-scaled ultrafineparticle dilution generation and number concentration measurement systems wasdeclared by the School of Energy and Power Engineering of Beihang University. Thistechnology utilizes a wide-temperature micron particle detection method, andthe gas-heat-light-electric multi-field coupling design concept to develop amicrocantilever mass-sensitive micro-particle sensor based on the piezoelectriceffect. The sensor can eventually be applied in a wide temperature range(10-300℃). The system can meet the new detection standard of particle number andconcentration added in the latest National VI Vehicle Detection Regulations inChina, and can also be used for online monitoring of the atmosphericenvironment, dust-free laboratory, dust-free workshop, indoor purificationsystem, and other environments at ambient temperature.
Technology of selective circulation ofsintered flue gas for energy saving and emission reduction was declared byBeijing KBSC Environmental Engineering Co.,Ltd. This technology is applied tothe flue gas treatment of the sintering process in the steel industry. The technologyis based on the differences of the flue gas emission characteristics of thesintering bellows, and on the premise of not affecting the quality of sinteringore, the flue gas cycle of specific bellows section is selected to return tothe surface of sintering pallet to be ignited and sintered with hot air,thereby reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency. The technology hasbeen successfully applied in the demonstrative project of HBIS Group HansteelCompany and other projects are under construction.
The Diesel Exhaust Cool ParticulateRegeneration (CPR) declared by Permanent attachment technique for Nano-sized photocatalysismaterial declared by Liontrunk (Beijing) Technology Co.,Ltd are also bluetechaward winners. The awarded technologies are not only successful projects in thelaboratories, but most of them also achieved good records in the real market.
In addition, to stimulate the development of non-commercializedclean-air technologies, the Future Star Award is set in the Bluetech Award thisyear, hoping that with the help of the platform of Bluetech, the technologiesunder researching and testing stage can grow rapidly to realize commercialization.Two technologies were rewarded as the Future Star winners, including User sidevoltage quality optimization technology based on regulations of electromagneticbalance (Anhui Gemini Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.) and Nano PhotocatalystAir Purification and Self-cleaning technology (Dalian Thinpair Technology Co.,Ltd.).
“The Bluetech Award has been held for fiveyears and over 300 technologies from more than 20 countries participated theassessment. The award received significant support from our partnersworldwide.” Said the director of BCAA, Hongxing Xie. The award organizer, BCAA,has been working persistently on accelerating the paces of pollution controlworldwide through promotion of the innovated technologies. Besides the award program, BCAA and itspartners established the Bluetech Acceleration Platform aiming to promote theprocess by setting up the demonstration project, offering training onintellectual property strategy, establishing high-value patent portfolio,organizing promotion and matchmaking activities. “In 2019, BCAA has beenofficially involved in the WIPO GREEN program and became a strategic partner ofWIPO in China. We will offer more professional support on the intellectualproperty with the guidance from WIPO and other experts, aiming to support theapplication of the innovative clean technologies in China and eventuallyworldwide.”