On November 9th 2021, WIPO GREEN, WIPO China Office, Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office and Bluetech Clean Air Alliance jointly held an online communication meeting on the project of WIPO GREEN/BCAA City Acceleration Beijing Pilot.
Marion "Amy" Dietterich, Director of Global Challenges Division of WIPO, stated: “Thank you very much for the support from my colleagues and partners in China. It is a real pleasure to communicate with you about this project. The importance of Chinese innovations to WIPO GREEN and the World cannot be over stated.” Li Zhong, deputy director of Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, pointed out, "As an international center of green innovation, Beijing pays significant attentions to green development and is willing to cooperate with WIPO to support the Beijing pilot, to accelerate the international transfer and application of green technologies".
Adviser of WIPO Office in China, Deng Yuhua said: "I am very happy to join in this meeting. As an extension of WIPO headquarters in China, WIPO China Office is willing to play the role of bridge and medium for communication and cooperation between WIPO headquarters and Chinese partners". Tonny Xie, Director of Bluetech Clean Air Alliance, addressed: "When I attended the WIPO GREEN Core Committee meeting at the beginning of this year, I suggested importing WIPO GREEN Acceleration Project into China and now it come true. To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, Chinese cities need innovative green innovation from all over the world, and I wish that this project can help accelerate the green development of Beijing".
Peter Oksen, Green Technology and Research Manager of Global Challenges Division of WIPO, introduced the WIPO GREEN Acceleration Project: "Before the Beijing pilot in China, WIPO GREEN has carried out several acceleration projects in South America and Southeast Asia. As a platform for technology exchange, WIPO GREEN aims to provide opportunities for connecting green solutions and needs. At present, more than 120,000 technologies, needs and knowledge material have been listed in the WIPO GREEN database".
Tonny Xie delivered a detailed introduction of the scope and work plan of Beijing Pilot. At present, the project team has already started the assessment of green technology needs for Beijing, and for next step, the team will collect specific needs from relevant enterprises. After that, a global technology searching and collection will be conducted based on WIPO GREEN database and Bluetech technology cooperation platform. In addition, the project is also planned to coordinate resources of relevant professional services providers to accelerate technical cooperation. This could be IP dispute resolution service in technology transfer process provided by WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, investment and financing services provided by Institute of Finance and Sustainability, intellectual property pledge financing services provided by Beijing IP, and green technology assessment provided by China Association of Environmental Protection Industry, etc. The assessment and conclusion of the first stage of Beijing pilot is expected to be conducted by the end of 2022, and the follow-up results will be released and disseminated through several channels.
Marion "Amy" Dietterich also highlighted: "WIPO GREEN has excellent collaboration with China in recent years, and we hope this Beijing pilot will help to demonstrate the contribution that the global IP system can make to addressing the largest challenges facing humanity and facing every country in this planet". Li Zhong, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, addressed, "We are willing to support the WIPO GREEN acceleration pilot in Beijing, and help Beijing to achieve green development and carbon neutrality. I wish the pilot project can be every successful".