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Position:BCAA News»Call for Application| Launch of the 2024 Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award

Call for Application| Launch of the 2024 Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer AwardPost date: 2024-03-15

On March 15, 2024, with the support of partners, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA) and the Greentech Financing Platform jointly launched the recruitment and selection for the 2024 "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award". Technology companies and entrepreneurial teams in the green and low-carbon field are eligible to apply for the Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award. The deadline for the applications is May 15, 2024.

The selection of the "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award" will be guided by the selection advisory committee composed of renowned experts in the fields of green finance and green technology. Advisory committee members include senior representatives from leading investment institutions, research institutions, international organizations, industry associations, and large multinational corporations. Dr. Ma Jun, Director of the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) and Chairman of Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking, serves as the chairman of the advisory committee. Dr. Ma Jun stated, "To achieve the dual carbon goals, we should use market-based approaches more to promote low-carbon transformation, focus on supporting the integration of financial resources and green technology, and enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises in the field of green and low-carbon technologies. This is also the original intention of launching the Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award."

Based on the "Bluetech Award" established in 2015, the "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award" has been held twice. Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award focuses on key tracks of carbon neutrality such as new energy, hydrogen and fuel cells, energy storage, green buildings, energy-saving technologies, smart manufacturing, green new materials, and circular economy. It is currently the only innovation award in China that covers all tracks of carbon neutrality. Tonny XIE, Director of the Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA) and also National Coordinator of WIPO GREEN City Acceleration Program, introduced that in addition to the selection advisory committee, a review expert group composed of more than 40 experts has also been established. Through a unified evaluation process and criteria, including initial screening, roadshow evaluation, special evaluation of technology and IP, comprehensive evaluation, and advisory committee evaluation, comprehensive evaluations are conducted on applicants in terms of technological innovation, IP competitiveness, growth potential, green and low-carbon benefits, team and business models, etc., to select the most promising green and low-carbon technology companies. Lijian Zhao, Secretary-General of Greentech Financing Platform and President of Carbon Trust China, stated, "Leveraging financial investment resources to support technological innovation in key areas of carbon neutrality and the rapid growth of technology companies is of great significance for achieving carbon neutrality. Scientifically evaluating and selecting advanced green technology companies will better promote investment in companies with advanced technology and good carbon emission reduction benefits."

  • 50% of the projects received financing after winning the award

  • 6 projects were selected for the United Nations "Green Technology Manual" (released at COP28)

  • 2 projects became United Nations demonstration projects and were commended

  • Over 40 projects entered the United Nations WIPOGREEN green technology database

  • 15 projects received one-on-one IP strategic guidance, with over 100 projects participating in IP training

  • 1 project nominated for the Earthshot Prize after winning the award, receiving a £1 million prize and international promotion opportunities

  • Over 60 projects participated in the 2023 award ceremony, attracting over 500 guests in attendance and 280,000 online viewers.

From now until May 15, 2024, you can click to download the Company Application Form or Team Application Form, fill it out, and send it to the to complete the award application.

For any inquiries regarding the application for the Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award, you can scan the QR code below to add the official WeChat account of the organizer for contact.