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Position:BCAA News»First Clean Air International Forum showcases Bluetech winners, accelerates clean air technology deployment in China

First Clean Air International Forum showcases Bluetech winners, accelerates clean air technology deployment in ChinaPost date: 2015-12-17

On December 12, 2015, the Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC) organized the “Bluetech International Clean Air Technology Forum”(Also called the Bluetech Forum) in Beijing, China, gathering more than 300 attendees from academic institutions, international organizations, government bodies and technology providers for the first global clean air event in China.The Bluetech Forum had speakers from around the world to share experiences on the 13th Five Year Plan, international best practices, technology development strategies, market and investment demands, as well as to recognize the winners and finalists of the Bluetech Award. The Forum also invited governmental representatives from 30 provinces in China, successfully drawing in more than 70 representatives of governmental organizations.

Forum speakers included Professor Hao Jimin,President of Clean Air Alliance of China, Catherine Witherspoon, former CEO of California Air Resources Board and CAAC’s international senior advisers Axel Friedrich and Michael Walsh. Domestically, representatives from Tianjin,Shanxi, Changzhou, Shenzhen and other local environmental departments introduced their work on controlling PM2.5, smog and VOCs within their regions.

In addition to presenting industry-leading experts and government representatives, the Bluetech Forum honored the 26 finalists and winners of the first ever Bluetech Award. After three months of document reviews, on-site visits and laboratory tests by CAAC's selection committee, the committee selected technologies from Total Petroleum, Weifu Lida, Garlock Sealing Technologies, MayAir and Jiaxing Sanying Technologies as the this year's winners. Tonny Xie, director of the Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions, presented the awards on stage to honor these companies and their breakthrough potential in the clean air technology industry. After the award ceremony, ten Bluetech applicants also gave presentations on their respective technologies at the Forum, which continued with sector-specific focus sessions and private meeting with governmental official through Sunday. During the following week, technology companies also went to local industrial projects in Changzhou and Shenzhen with CAAC officials to have meetings with local environmental departments, developing cooperation opportunities.  

With the new Paris Climate Agreement signed on the same day as the Bluetech Forum, the world formally agreed to control green housegases to limit global temperature changes to within a 2°C increase. Clean Air Alliance of China strives to support the Paris Climate Agreement by accelerating the deployment of tools to control greenhouse gas emissions. This time, CAAC promoted diesel engine technologies that can help co-control and reduce the emissions of black carbon, hydrocarbons, along with other pollutants that contribute to climate change. Two Bluetech Winners under the “diesel engine pollution control” category are Total Petroleum and Weifu Lida, which have proven results to reduce black carbon emissions. They are currently being promoted by the CAAC to be implemented across multiple regions in China.