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Position:BCAA News»2nd Bluetech Award International Clean Air Technology Campaign Introduction Seminar Held in Shanghai

2nd Bluetech Award International Clean Air Technology Campaign Introduction Seminar Held in ShanghaiPost date: 2016-06-17

On June 16, 2016, Sponsored by theClean Air Alliance of China (CAAC), the Clean Air Innovation Center and ECOTECHCHINA hosted the 2nd Bluetech Award introduction Seminar in NationalExhibition and Convention Centre (Shanghai). The seminar emphasized onintroducing Bluetech Award’s application, assessment and disseminationactivities. Dr. Xuan Ling, the senior project manager of secretariat for CleanAir Alliance of China, provided a detailed introduction on Bluetech Award. ZhiqiangLiu, Director of Atmosphere Department of Changzhou Research Academy ofEnvironmental Sciences, introduced major challenges and technical demand forlocal air pollution control. In the meantime, representatives of the firstBluetech Award Winners shared their Bluetech experience and introduced their commercialprojects, investment & technology demonstration opportunities created byBluetech activities. The 2nd Bluetech Award Campaign has launched inApril 2016. The following technology assessment, conference, awards andmatchmaking activities are planned from October to December this year. By farthe Secretariat for CAAC, the Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions (ICCS)has already received applications and inquiries from more than 20 countries andregions.

Clean Air Alliance of China’s 1st Bluetech Award Ceremony &International Clean Air Technology Forum was held on December 12, 2015. Fifty-sixtechnologies, including diesel engine pollution control, VOC substitution,prevention and control, straw recycling technology, indoor air purification,four technology categories from eight countries were assessment by the BluetechAward Committee. Twenty-one technologies were selected as Bluetech Awardfinalist and five of them have won the Bluetech Award.

Advanced clean air technologiesneed to be applied to help China to attain its air quality goal. Bluetech Awardis the award campaign which is dedicated to support solving China’s airpollution by applying best available technologies from all over the world. Thecampaign has also provided an “express way” to accelerate the best clean airtechnologies’ path to enter China’ vast market. Awarded technologies will havethe opportunities to participate CAAC’s customized technology demonstration andmatchmaking activities to meet with local environmental protection authorities,companies and investors. Systemic propaganda activities will also be designedto disseminate all winning technologies.

2016 Bluetech Award Technology Category

l  Diesel engine emission reduction technologies & clean energysubstitutes

l  Coal boiler emission control & clean energy substitutes fornon-electricity generation

l  VOCs substitution, monitoring and pollution prevention

l  Indoor air quality monitoring and air purification

l  Ultra-low emission* control for coal-fired power plants

For Bluetech Award applicationdetails, please go to:

About Clean Air Alliance of China

Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC) isinitiated by 10 key Chinese academic and technical institutions in clean airfield. It is an integrated clean air collaboration platform in China forinstitutions, provinces and cities, NGOs and enterprises. The Platform promotesinnovative ideas, best practices, technologies and tools, while facilitatingcooperation and collaboration across provinces and cities, researchinstitutions, and technologies companies. CAAC works toward the vision ofpromoting clean air across cities and provinces, and improving public health.Members include research institutions, provinces and cities, and relevantnon-profit organizations and companies.

Ten Founding Members: Tsinghua University, appraisalCenter for Environment & Engineering of MEP, Chinese Academy forEnvironmental Planning (CAEP), Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University,Fudan University, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES),Peking University, Renmin University of China, Vehicle Emission Control Centerof MEP (VECC).

For More information:

Contact: Xuan Ling (Senior Project Manager)

Secretariat for Clean Air Alliance of China

Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions (ICCS)

Tel: (8610) 65155838 ext.8006

Cell: (86) 138 1029 1486


Address: Suite 709, East Ocean Center, 24A Jianguomenwai Street,Beijing 100004