Following the previous three successful ABaCAS conferences, the 4th Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment Conference (ABaCAS 2016) was held on June 14-16, 2016 in Shanghai, China. This conference is hosted by Tsinghua University, University of Tennessee, Zhejiang University and South China University of Technology, and organized jointly by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences and Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center with the support from China Ministry of Environment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Foundation (U.S) and Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning. The Conference was to a high-level platform for air quality scientists and policy makers from various disciplines to exchange ideas and views on key leading issues related to environment and energy in China, Asia, and all over the world.
In addition to the two-day conference on June 15-16, a one-day training workshop on the “Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System (ABaCAS) was provided to air quality managers and scientists of interest with demo and hands-on sessions on cutting-edge air quality management and assessment tools on June 14.
Hao Jiming Chairman of the Steering Committee, Clean Air Alliance China (CAAC) with other Steering Committee members of CAAC, Academician He Kebin, Academician Zhang Yuanhang, Chief Engineer Wang Jinnan and Professor Wang Zifa attended the meeting and gave speeches. Wang Lisha, Senior Project Manager of CAAC presented on ‘Co-control of GHGs and Air Pollutants: Approaches, Measures and Practices’ at the conference too.
In the past few years, Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions (ICCS, Secretariat for Clean Air Alliance of China) has developed “clean air measures database”, which includes six categories and more than twenty sub-categories, and over a hundred specific measures on list. The database is a selection of advanced clean air measures in China and abroad developed or collected by ICCS, which includes detailed measures covering measures applicability, costs and benefits, etc. This database will provide support for the cost-effective module in ABaCAS.