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Position:BCAA News»Bluetech Award Follow Up: Bluetech Award Winners and Finalists Participated in Matchmaking Activities in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Bluetech Award Follow Up: Bluetech Award Winners and Finalists Participated in Matchmaking Activities in Shenzhen, Guangdong ProvincePost date: 2016-12-19

The Shenzhen Air Quality Measurement and CleanAir Technology Workshop and matchmaking activity took place on December 19thand 20th. The activities were hosted by the Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Sciences and Secretariat for Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC)with support from Energy Foundation China. Mr. Dai Zhitao, deputy director of the Atmospheric Bureau of Shenzhen Human Settlement Environment Committee, introducedthe event. Representatives from CAAC, Shenzhen Human Settlement Environment Committee, office of Shenzhen Motor Vehicle Emission Regulatory, Shenzhen BusGroup, Bluetech Award winners and finalists and related enterprises joined the workshop. Mr. Joseph Kubsh, former executive director of the US manufacturers of Emission Control Association, attended as an international expert.

Prospective customers in Shenzhen showed great interest in the Bluetech technologies. Enterprise representatives from Shekou,Chiwan, Dachan, COST, Shenzhen Bus Group, Fuji Electric, China Paint, and Xinlitaiintroduced their air pollution control progress, problems and future needs within diesel engine pollution control and VOCs pollution control. Meanwhile, Bluetech winners and finalists introduced their technologies and cases. During the workshop participants discussed the main problems Shenzhen faced and the air pollution control measures, which needs to be implemented. During these discussions the participants came with many suggestions to improve Shenzhen air pollution contron measures.

This workshop provided a platform for technical exchange, which contributes to air pollution control.