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Position:What's New»2017 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Working Plan for Jing-Jin-Ji and Surrounding Regions Announced

2017 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Working Plan for Jing-Jin-Ji and Surrounding Regions AnnouncedPost date: 2017-03-30

The Ministry of Environmental Protection, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, and National Energy Administration together with local governments announced the plan to improve regional environmental air quality, reduce heavy pollution, and introduce measures to strengthen winter air pollution control. The plan requires that a discharge permission certificate system be implemented in key industries. All certificates for thermal power plants will be completed by the end of June and certificates for the iron, steel, and cement industries are expected before November. The plan further states that small capacity coal-burning boilers should be phased out before the end of October to ensure clean heating for winter. Coal consumption will also be controlled to meet the negative growth target. The plan also covers transportation, dust treatment, and VOCs control.

(Source:China Environmental News)