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Beijing: The Last Coal-fired Power Plant Will Be Closed in MarchPost date: 2017-02-10

In 2016,the annual average PM2.5 concentration in Beijing was 73μg/m3, which means a 23.7 percent decrease since 2012. Beijing aims to reach 60 μg/m3 by the end of this year according to the plan announced in 2013. In five years, Beijing has closed over 1,200 polluting ......

China Unveils Green Certification for Renewable EnergyPost date: 2017-02-06

(Beijing) — China will launch the trading of green certificates, electronic warranties proving electricity has been generated from renewable energy, in the second half of this year, the government has said.The launch of the system, which has been under consideration for ......

Ministry of Environmental Protection Releases Provisional Regulations on Pollution Permit ManagementPost date: 2017-02-03

MEP released the Provisional Regulations on the Management of Pollution Permit (hereinafter referred to as the Provisional Regulations) recently, for the purposes of implementing the Plan of Implementation of the Pollution Permitting System for Control of Pollutants (her......

Cement Industry Demise Leads to Painful TransitionPost date: 2017-01-31

A cement town at the centre of China’s air pollution crisis is looking for a clean break, writes Zhang ChunChina’s economy and with it the frenetic pace of infrastructure construction are beginning to slow. This is good news for efforts to reduce air pollution but prese......

2017 Set to Be a Bleak Year for CoalPost date: 2017-01-27

China cancelled many power projects in 2016 but the sector looks set to get squeezed further this year, writes Feng HaoLast year was the “year of cancelling coal” declared some Chinese media outlets, but the latest coal power policies suggest that 2017 is going to be ev......

Impacts of World Class Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions RegulationsPost date: 2017-01-25

In 2014, the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan prioritized the establishment of a Transport Task Group (TTG) to promote cooperation among participating G20 countries to develop domestic policies that improve the energy efficiency and environmental performance of motor ve......

Can China Meet its 2017 Air Quality Goals?Post date: 2017-01-25

China is tackling its air pollution problem but major changes will be needed if it’s to see long term progress, writes Zhang ChunWhen China launched its five-year Air Pollution Action Plan in 2013 it was recognition that the country’s smog problem needed to be brought u......

Green Bond Rise Seen as Smog ThickensPost date: 2017-01-23

China may accelerate approvals of green bonds this year as the nation battles a toxic wave of smog, according to Guotai Junan Securities, the nation's top underwriter of the notes.Dirty air has led to more than 60 Chinese cities issuing health alerts in recent months, le......

Hebei Province: Adjusting the Industry Structure and Optimizing the Energy MixPost date: 2017-01-22

Adjusting the industry structure and optimizing the energy mix is key to improve air quality. The Hebei government is developing an emissions inventory for iron and steel, cement, power, and glass industries. Inefficient and highly polluting production capacity has been ......

Residents Skeptical as City Blames their Cooking for Toxic AirPost date: 2017-01-20

Linfen official names households burning coal as main culprits, but NGOs say heavy industry and lax oversight are responsible, writes Yang YiweiEnvironmentalists and citizens alike are questioning the official explanation for the alarmingly high concentrations of sulfur ......