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Meng Ziqiang
Environmental Medicine and Toxicology Institution, Shanxi University

孟紫强,男,汉族,无党派,1939年2月生于山西临汾。1991年晋升为教授,1992年获国务院政府特殊津贴。1966年山西大学生物系毕业,1980年天津医科大学研究生毕业,获医学硕士学位。曾赴美国、英国、德国进行毒理学合作研究。1999年和2002年先后创建了山西大学环境医学与毒理学研究所和山西大学环境科学与工程研究中心,是环境科学博士点、博士后流动站首席科学家。1996-1998年美国纽约科学院三次来函聘为院士,被收入美国《Marquis 世界名人录》。历任山西大学环境医学与毒理学研究所所长、环境科学与工程研究中心主任、中国毒理学会第3、4届理事和第5届常务理事、中国微量元素学会常务理事,创立山西省毒理学会并任理事长。现任或曾任《The Scientific World Journal》、《Chinese Journal of Biology》、《生态毒理学报》、《环境与职业医学》、《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》等期刊编委。发现二氧化硫是具有多种毒性作用的全身性毒物、是新型生物信号分子;砷对淋巴细胞转化和DNA合成的作用具有双相性;沙尘天气对健康有急性、滞后及长期累积效应;肿瘤免疫核酸有特异性;电离辐射可刺激特定基因的表达等。

在国内、外发表论文400余篇,SCI收录80余篇,主编我国首部《环境毒理学基础》、《生态毒理学》等教育部规划国家级本科教材。著有《大骨节病》、《环境毒理学》、《生态毒理学原理与方法》、《二氧化硫生物学:毒理学、生理学、病理生理学》、《沙尘暴医学与毒理学》等专著和《生活方式与健康》等科普读物。参加季羡林等主编的《旅德追忆》(商务印书馆)、《ARSENIC IN THE ENVIRONMENT,part 2》(John Wiley & Sons , Inc. , New York)、《生命科学中的微量元素(第二版)》(中国计量出版社)、《世界毒物史》(科学出版社)等多部著作的编著。获省自然科学一等奖1项,教育部和省科技进步二等奖6项,教育部国家级教学成果二等奖1项。



1.Bai J, Meng Z. 2005. Effects of sulfur dioxide on apoptosis-related gene expressions in lungs from rats [J]. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol., 43(3): 272-9.

2.Bai J, Meng Z. 2005. Expression of apoptosis-related genes in livers from rats exposed to sulfur dioxide [J]. Toxicology, 216: 253-60.

3.Bai J, Meng Z. 2008. The effects of sulfur dioxide on activities of fatty acid synthase in livers and lungs [J]. Luminescence,23(2):59-60.            

4.Bai J, Meng Z. 2010. Effect of sulfur dioxide on expression of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes from rats [J]. Environ Toxicol., 25(3):272-283.

5.Bai J, Meng Z. 2010. Expression of caspase and apoptotic signal pathway induced by sulfur dioxide [J]. Environ Mol Mutagen.,51(2):112-22.

6.Du Z,Meng Z. 2004. Modulation of sodium current in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by sulfur dioxide derivatives [J]. Brain Res. ,1010: 127-133.        

7.Du Z,Meng Z. 2004. Effects of derivatives of sulfur dioxide on transient outward potassium currents in acutely isolated rat hippocampal neurons[J]. Food Chem Toxicol., 42:1211-1216.

8.Du Z, Meng Z. 2006. Sulfur dioxide derivatives modulation of high-threshold calcium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons[J]. Neurosci Lett 405:147–152.

9.Li R, Meng Z. 2007. Effects of SO2 derivatives on expressions of MUC5AC and IL-13 in human bronchial epithelial cells [J]. Arch Toxicol. ,81:867-874.    

10.Li J, Meng Z. 2009. The role of sulfur dioxide as an endogenous gaseous vasoactive factor in synergy with nitric oxide [J]. Nitric Oxide,20:166-174.    

11.Li R, Meng Z, Xie J. 2007. Effects of sulfur dioxide derivatives on four asthma-related gene expressions in human bronchial epithelial cells[J]. Toxicol Lett. ,175(1-3):71-81.    

12.Li R, Meng Z, Xie J. 2007. Effects of sulfur dioxide on the expressions of MUC5AC and ICAM-1 in airway of asthmatic rats[J]. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol., 48:284-291.

13.Li R, Meng Z, Xie J. 2008. Effects of sulfur dioxide on the expressions of EGF, EGFR, and COX-2 in airway of asthmatic rats [J]. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol., 54(4):748–757.    

14.Li J, Li R, Meng Z. 2010. Sulfur dioxide upregulates the aortic nitric oxide pathway in rats [J]. Eur J Pharmacol., 645: 143-150.

15.Meng Z, Bai W. 2004. Oxidation damage of sulfur dioxide on testicles of mice [J]. Environ Res., 96:298-304.                        

16.Meng Z, Liu Y. 2007. Cell morphological ultranstructural changes in various organs from mice exposed by inhalation to sulfur dioxide [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 19: 543-551.        

17.Meng Z, Nie A. 2005. Enhancement of sodium metabisulfile on sodium current in acutely isolated rat hippocampal CAI neurons [J] , Environ Toxicol Pharmacol., 20(1):35-41.

18.Meng Z, Nie A. 2005. Effects of sodium metabisulfite on potassium currents in acutely isolated CAI pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus[J], Food Chem Toxicol., 43(2):225-232.

19.Meng Z, Zhang L. 1990. Chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges of lymphocytes of workers exposed to sulphur dioxide[J]. Mutat Res., 24(1): 15-20.

20.Meng Z, Zhang L. 1990. Observation of frequencies of lymphocytes with micronuclei in human peripheral blood cultures from workers in a sulphuric acid factory[J]. Environ Mol Mutagen, 15(4):218-220.

21.Meng Z, Zhang L. 1992. Cytogenetic damage induced in human lymphocytes by Sodium bisulfite. Mutat Res., 298(2): 63-69.            

22.Meng Z, Zhang B. 1999. Polymerase chain reaction based deletion screening of bisulfite (sulfur dioxide)-enhanced gpt mutants in CHO-AS52 cells[J]. Mutat Res., 425:81-85.    

23.Meng Z, Zhang B. 2002. Induction effects of sulfur dioxide inhalation on chromosomal aberrations in mouse bone marrow cells[J]. Mutagenesis, 17:215-217.    

24.Meng Z, Zhang B. 2003. Oxidation damage of sulfur dioxide inhalation on brains and livers of mice [J]. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. , 13: 1-8.

25.Meng Z,Zhang H. 2007. The vasodilator effect and its mechanism of sulfur dioxide-derivatives on isolated aortic rings of rats [J]. Inhal Toxicol.,19:979-986.

26.Meng Z, Qin G, Zhang B. 2004. Damage of sulfur dioxide on DNA in lung cells from mice [J]. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol., 197(3):239.

27.Meng Z, Qin G, Zhang B, Bai J. 2004. DNA damaging effects of sulfur dioxide derivatives in cells from various organ of mice [J]. Mutagenesis, 119(6): 465-468.

28.Meng Z, Zhang X, Li R. 2005. Levels of sulfite in three organs from mice exposed to sulfur dioxide [J] , Inhal Toxicol., 17:309-13.

29.Meng Z, Liu Y, Wu D. 2005. Effect of sulfur dioxide inhalation on cytokine levels in lungs and serum of mice [J] , Inhal Toxicol., 17:303-307.            

30.Meng Z, Qin G, Zhang B. 2005. DNA damage in mice treated with sulfur dioxide by inhalation [J]. Environ Mol Mutagen., 46:150-155.

31.Meng Z,Li Y, Li J. 2007. Vasodilatation of sulfur dioxide derivatives and signal transduction [J]. Arch Biochem Biophys., 15;467:291-296.            

32.Meng Z, Li J, Zhang Q, Bai W, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Wang F. 2009. Vasodilator effect of gaseous sulfur dioxide and regulation of its level by Ach in rat vascular tissues [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 21(14): 1223-1228.

33.Meng Z, Ruan A, Zhang B, Sang N, Zhang J. 2001. Micronuclei induced by chronical treatment of SO2 inhalation in mouse bone marrow cells. Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis, 13 (4):236.

34.Meng Z, Zhang B, Ruan A, Sang N, Zhang J. 2002. Micronuclei induced by sulfur dioxide inhalation in mouse bone-marrow cells in vivo [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 14:303-309.

35.Meng Z, Sang N, Zhang B. 2002. Effects of derivatives of sulfur dioxide on micronuclei formation in mouse bone marrow cells in vivo [J]. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol., 69:257-264.

36.Meng Z, Geng H, Bai J, Yan G. 2003. Blood pressure of rats lowered by sulfur dioxide and its derivatives [J], Inhal Toxicol., 15:951-959.            

37.Meng Z, Zhang B, Bai J, Geng H, Liu C. 2003. Oxidative damage of sulfur dioxide inhalation on stomachs and intestines of mice [J]. Inhal Toxicol. ,15:397-410.

38.Meng Z, Qin G, Zhang B, Geng H, Bai Q, Bai W, Liu C. 2003. Oxidative damage of sulfur dioxide inhalation on lungs and hearts of mice [J]. Environ. Res. ,93:285-292.

39.Meng Z. 2001. Micronuclei induced by derivatives of sulfur dioxide in mouse bone marrow cells in vivo[J]. Toxicology, 164(1-3):100.

40.Meng Z. 2003. Oxidative damage of sulfur dioxide on various organs of mice: sulfur dioxide is a systemic oxidative damage agent [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 15: 181-195.    

41.Nie A, Meng Z. 2005a. Study of the interaction of sulfur dioxide derivative with cardiac sodium channel [J]. Biochimi Biophys Acta, 1718(1-2): 67-73.

42.Nie A, Meng Z. 2005b. Sulfur dioxide derivative modulation of potassium channels in rat ventricular myocytes [J]. Arch Biochem Biophys., 442(2): 187-195.

43.Nie A, Meng Z. 2006. Modulation of L-type calcium current in rat cardiac myocytes by sulfur dioxide derivatives [J]. Food Chem Toxicol., 44: 355-363.    

44.Nie A,Meng Z. 2007. Sulfur dioxide derivatives modulate Na/Ca exchange currents and cytosolic [Ca2+] in rat myocytes [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 358(3):879-884.    

45.Nie A, Wei C, Meng Z. 2009. Sodium Metabisulfite Modulation of Potassium Channels in Pain-Sensing Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons[J]. Neurochem Res., 34 (12): 2233-2242.

46.Qin G, Meng Z. 2005. Effect of sulfur dioxide inhalation on CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 in rat liver and lung [J]. Toxicol Lett., 160(1):34-42.

47.Qin G, Meng Z. 2006. The expressions of protooncogenes and CYP1A in lungs of rats exposed to sulfur dioxide and benzo(α)pyrene [J]. Regul Toxicol Pharma., 45: 36-43.

48.Qin G, Meng Z. 2006. Effect of sulfur dioxide inhalation on CYP2B1/2 and CYP2E1 in rat liver and lung [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 18: 581-588.

49.Qin G, Meng Z. 2009. Effects of sulfur dioxide derivatives on expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in human bronchial epithelial cells[J]. Food Chem Toxicol., 47(4):734-744.

50.Qin G, Meng Z. 2010. Expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in lungs of rats exposed to sulfur dioxide and benzo(a)pyrene [J]. Inhal Toxicol., 22(4):322-329.

51.Qin G, Meng Z. 2010. Sulfur dioxide and benzo(a)pyrene modulates CYP1A and tumor-related gene expression in rat liver [J]. Environ Toxicol., 25(2):169-179.

52.Ruan A, Hang M, Meng Z. 2003. Protective effects of seabuckthorn seed oil on mouse injury induced by sulfur dioxide inhalation [J], Inhal Toxicol., 15:1053-1058.

53.Xie J,Fan R,Meng Z. 2007. Protein oxidation and DNA-protein crosslink induced by sulfur dioxide in lungs, livers, and hearts from mice [J]. Inhal Toxicol.,19(9): 759-765.    

54.Xie J,Li R, Fan R,Meng Z. 2009. Effects of sulfur dioxide on expressions of p53,bax and bcl-2 in lungs from asthmatic rats [J]. Inhal Toxicol.,21:952-957.

55.Yi H, Meng Z. 2003. Genotoxicity of hydrated sulfur dioxide on toot tips of Allium sativum and Vicia faba [J],Mutat Res., 537:109-114.            

56.Zhang Q, Meng Z. 2009. The vasodilator mechanism of sulfur dioxide on isolated aortic rings of rats: Involvement of the K+ and Ca2+ channels [J]. Eur J Pharmacol., 602: 117-123.

57.Geng H, Meng Z, Zhang Q. 2005. Effects of blowing sand fine particles on plasma membrane permeability and fluidity and intracellular calcium levels of rat alveolar macrophages [J], Toxical lett. , 157:129-137.

58.Geng H, Meng Z, Zhang Q. 2006. In vitro responses of rat alveolar macrophages to particle suspensions and water-soluble components of dust storm PM2.5[J]. Toxicology In Vitro., 20: 575-584.

59.Geng H, Meng Z. 2006. Inhibition of superoxide dismutase, vitamin C and glutathione on chemiluminescence produced by luminol and the mixture of sulfite and bisulfite [J]. Spectrochemica Acta Part A, 64: 87-92.

60.Liu X, Meng Z. 2005. Effects of airbone fine particle matter on antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in multiple organs of rats [J]. Inhal Toxical., 17:467-473.

61.Meng Z, Hsie AW. 1996. Polymorase chain reaction- based deletion analysis of spontaneous and arsenite-enhanced gpt mutants in CHO-AS52 cells[J]. Mutat Res., 356(2): 255- 259.    

62.Meng Z, Hsie AW. 1997. Molecular analysis of sponteneous and arsenite induced mutations at the gpt locus in Chinese hamster ovary cells[J]. Chinese Journal of Genetics, 24:263-269.

63.Meng Z, Lu B. 2007. Dust events as a risk factor for daily hospitalization for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Minqin, China[J]. Atmos Enviorn., 41: 7048-7058.    

64.Meng Z, Meng H, Cao X. 1995. Sister-chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes of workers at a phosphate fertilizer factory[J]. Mutat Res., 334(2): 243-246.    

65.Meng Z, Meng N. 1994. Effects of inorganic arsenicals on DNA synthesis in unsensitized human blood lymphocytes in vitro[J]. Biol Trace Elem Res., 42: 201-208.    

66.Meng Z, Meng N. 2000. Effects of arsenic on blast transformation and DNA synthesis of human blood lymphocytes[J]. Chemosphere, 41(1-2):115-119.

67.Meng and Nie, 2004/ Meng Z, Nie A. 2004. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on sodium current in acutely isolated rat hippocampal CA1 neurons of rat [J]. Toxicol lett., 147(1): 45-52.    

68.Meng Z, Zhang B. 1997. Chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei in lymphocytes of workers in a phosphate fertilizer factory[J]. Mutat Res., 1997, 393:283-288.

69.Meng Z, Zhang Q. 2006. Oxidative damage of dust storm fine particles instillation on lungs, hearts and livers of rats [J]. Environ Toxico Pharma., 22: 277-282.    

70.Meng Z, Zhang Q. 2007. Damage effects of dust storm PM2.5 on DNA in alveolar macrophages and lung cells of rats [J]. Food Chem Toxicol., 45: 1368-1374.

71.Meng Z. 1987. Complexity of hybridization change of nuclear RNA synthesized after Gamma-irradiation in mouse splenocytes, 3rd China-Japan bilateral Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, 360-367.

72.Meng Z. 1991. Effects of four chemicals on N-acetyltransferase activities in human U937 cell line. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 12:24-27.                

73.Meng Z. 1991.The effects of P-aminobenzoic acid on N-acetyltransferase activities in human cultured cells, China Environmental Science, 2: 182-187.    

74.Meng Z. 1993.  Effects of arsenic on DNA synthesis in human lymphocytes stimulated by phytoheagglutinin, Biol Tr Element Res, 39: 73-75.

75.Meng Z. 1993. Chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei induced in human lymphocytes by sodium bisulfite (Sulfur dioxide). China Environmental Science, 4(1):41-47.

76.Meng Z. 1994. Efects of arsenic on DNA synthests in human lymphocytes[J]. Arch Environ Contamin Toxicol., 25: 525-528.            

77.Meng Z. 1998. Age and sex related differences in zinc and lead levels in human hair[J]. Biol Trace Elem Res., 61:79-87.            

78.Wei A, Meng Z. 2006. Evaluation of micronucleus induction of sand dust storm fine particles (PM2.5) in human blood lymphocytes [J]. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol., 22: 292-297.

79.Wei A, Meng Z. 2006. Introduction of chromosome aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes treated with sand dust storm fine particles(PM2.5)[J]. Toxicol Lett. , 166: 37-43.

80.Wei H, Meng Z. 2008. Enhancing effects of diethyldithiocarbamate on increasing of sodium channel by sulfur dioxide derivatives in the ventricular myocytes [J]. Cell Bio Int., 32 (9):1143-1149.

81.Zhang B, Nie A, Bai W, Meng Z. 2004. Effects of aluminum chloride on sodium current, ransient outward potassium current and delayed rectifier potassium current in acutely isolated rat hippocampal CA1 neurons [J]. Food Chem Toxicol., 42(9): 1453-1462.

82.Sang N, Meng Z. 2002. Blockade by magnesium of sodium currents in acutely isolated hippocampal CA1 neurons of rat [J]. Brain Res., 952(2): 218-221.    

83.Meng Z, Zhang L, Zhang K. 1989. Chromosomal aberrations in sulphur dioxie-exposed workes[J]. China Environ Sci, 1:90-95.


1.孟紫强. 2012,《二氧化硫生物学:毒理学、生理学、病理生理学》. 北京:科学出版社

2.孟紫强、张全喜、杨振华. 2012,《沙尘暴医学与毒理学》. 北京:中国环境科学出版社



5.孟紫强, 1984,《大骨节病》,太原:山西人民出版社;      





10.Ziqiang Meng, 1994,Effects of Arsenic on DNA synthesis in  Human Lymphocytes, in ARSENIC IN THE ENVIRONMENT, Part 2: HUMAN HEALTH AND ECOSYSTEM EFFECTS, (ed. Jerome O. Nriagu), New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Torontok, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp133-142.

11.孟紫强,孙恩杰参编,1996,“生命科学中的微量元素(第二版)”(第21章 砷),中国计量出版社。


13.孟紫强参编, 1990,《辐射研究与辐射工艺学术论文集》(参编), 上海医大出版社。


孟紫强等。2011,中国环境毒理学发展报告。见中国毒理学会主编: 2010-2011 中国毒理学学科发展报告。北京:中国科学技术出版社,PP.200-208

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