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Jin Taosheng
Associate Professor
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University
Black Carbon Vehicle Inventory &Source Apportionment Health

南开大学副教授,中国汽车工程学会环保技术分会委员,国家环境保护城市空气颗粒物污染防治重点实验室团队成员。以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外学术期刊上发表文章20余篇,担任《环境科学》、《中国环境科学》、《环境科学学报》、《环境工程学报》、Journal of Environmental Science和Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health等国内外学术期刊的审稿人。





1. Jun Wang, Liangmao Jin, Junhua Gao, Jianwu Shi, Yanlin Zhao, Shuangxi Liu, Taosheng Jin*, Zhipeng Bai and Chang-Yu Wu. Investigation of Speciated VOC in Gasoline Vehicular Exhaust under ECE and EUDC Test Cycles. Science of the Total Environment. 2013, 445–446, 110–116

2. 曲亮、李孟良、高佳佳、高继东、赵彦琳、金陶胜*,机动车排放污染的速度—加速度耦合影响分析,2012,中国环境科学,32卷8期,1375-1378

3. Taosheng Jin, Jiajia Gao, Lixin Fu Yi Ai, and Xiaohong Xu.  An evaluation of improvements in the airquality of Beijing arising from the use of new vehicle emission standards.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  2012,184 (4), 2151-2159

4. 高莹、金陶胜*、赵彦琳、姬亚芹、徐让书、吴丽萍,基于多孔介质模型的土壤风蚀风洞湍流涡发生器设计的数值模拟,2011,农业工程学报,27卷11期,85-89

5. 高佳佳、李孟良、许嘉、高继东、金陶胜*,基于车载的天津市不同交通流特征下机动车排放率精细分析,2011,环境工程学报,5卷9期,2087-2090

6. Jia Xu, Taosheng Jin, Jiajia Gao, Ying Gao and Hang Gao. The Research on PM10 Personal Exposure in the Public Transport Microenvironment in Tianjin,2011,Conference on Environment Pollution and Public Health (CEPPH2011),Wuhan,China

7. Shi Jianwu, Peng Yue, Li Weifang, Qiu Weiguang, Bai Zhipeng, Kong Shaofei, and Jin Taosheng. Characterization and source identification of PM10-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air of Tianjin,China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2010, 10(5).

8. 金陶胜、许嘉、高佳佳、高莹、傅立新,北京市机动车新车排放标准效益的灰色关联评价,2010,环境科学研究,23卷5期,587-590

9. 金陶胜、殷小鸽、许嘉、杨柳、葛卫华、鞠美庭,天津港运输船舶大气污染物排放清单,2009,海洋环境科学,28卷6期,623-625

10. 王芳、高佳佳、王珺、白志鹏、金陶胜,重型柴油车排放颗粒物化学成分分析,2009,应用化学,26卷增刊,545-546

11. 杜譞、傅立新、邱月明、金陶胜,北京市交通微环境汽车尾气污染的浓度特征,2009,中国环境科学,29卷1期,26-30


13. Xuan Du,Lixin Fu,and Taosheng Jin,Intake fraction of mobile source in Beijing: microenvironment survey for different cohorts,2008,Air & Waste Management Association’s 101st annual conference and exhibition,Portland Oregon,United States

14. 金陶胜、杨锦、韩素芹、葛卫华,随机游动模型在大气污染扩散分析中的应用探讨,2008,安全与环境学报,8卷1期,73-75

15. 金陶胜、傅立新、杜譞,吸入因子:汽车尾气污染健康影响的一种评价方法,2006,环境与健康杂志,23卷2期,182-184

16. Taosheng Jin and Lixin Fu, Application of GIS to modified models of vehicle emission dispersion, Atmospheric Environment 2005,39,6326-6333

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