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Liu Yonghong
Associate Professor
Research Center of Intelligent Transportation System, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
Vehicle Control Technology Modelling

Liu Yonghong, female, born in 1977, PhD, associate professor, master tutor. Professor Liu graduated from Sun Yat-sen University engineering mechanics (atmospheric environment simulation and control direction) in 2007 and worked in School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University since then. She mainly engaged in the study of simulation and control of vehicle exhaust pollution, atmospheric simulation and control of environmental pollution, atmospheric pollution of the environment comprehensive control countermeasures, and resolution of the urban environment air pollution source, environmental air quality forecast, low carbon and energy conservation and emissions reduction policy analysis, etc. Professor Liu has Presided over 20 projects, the accumulated fund reaches more than 1200 ten thousand RMB. Her research projects mainly involves: the city grey haze formation mechanism, the air quality forecast model based on data driven, the proliferation of different scenarios of motor vehicle exhaust dynamic simulation numerical simulation research, regional air pollution, atmospheric pollution of the environment comprehensive control countermeasures, urban traffic source emission and the dynamic simulation algorithms and so on. Among them, the prediction model in gray haze, and resolution of automobile exhaust source research has been repeatedly used in environmental governance decisions in Foshan and Guangzhou. The "Road traffic emission source parsing technology research and application in the automobile exhaust pollution control" project won the second prize of science and technology of China intelligent transportation association in 2013, and the "Regional air quality integrated display and live release technology research and application" project won 2014 annual Guangdong province environmental protection science and technology awards. At present, she has published more than 40 papers, 5 software copyright.



[1].Yonghong Liu, Hanbo Liao, Zhi Yu, Ming Cai. Analysis of the Operational Impact of ETC Lanes on Toll Station[C]. 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP), 2011, IE Accession number:20114014393298.

[2].Lu Li, Yonghong Liu. Urban air quality forecast system based on sample optimization and its application[J]. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering, 2011(124):163-169.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25781-0_25.

[3].Lu Li, Ming Cai, Yonghong Liu. Integrated Benefit Evaluation of Pedestrian Bridge[J].Environmental Modeling and Assessment, ,2012, 17(3): 301-313. dio:10.1007/s10666-011-9292-0.

[4].刘永红,詹鹃铭,刘建昌,徐伟嘉,张武英.广东佛山交通扬尘排放特征研究[J].环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(8):80-86.

[5].程晓梅,刘永红*,陈泳钊,等.珠江三角洲机动车排放控制措施协同效应分析[J].中国环境科学, 2014, 34(6): 1599-1606.

[6].黄建彰,刘永红*,程晓梅,李红霞,赖迪智.基于COPERT IV模型的机动车PM2.5排放来源特征分析[J]. 环境科学与技术,2014, 37(1): 43-47.

[7].李婷,刘永红*,朱倩茹等.广州市交通干线附近细颗粒污染特征[J]. 环境科学研究, 2013, 26(9): 935-941.

[8].程晓梅,刘永红*,徐伟嘉,等.佛山限摩对摩托车出行特征及减排的影响分析[J].环境科学与技术, 2013, 1.

[9].朱倩茹,刘永红*,徐伟嘉,等.广州PM2.5 污染特征及影响因素分析[J].中国环境监测, 2013 (002): 15-21.

[10].李婷, 麦戈,刘永红*,等.近年来广州市环境空气质量变化趋势分析[J].安全与环境学报, 2013, 1: 029.

[11].刘永红,廖瀚博,余志,等.基于环境影响的交叉口控制方式综合评估研究[J].中山大学学报:自然科学版, 2013 (1): 12-16.

[12].曾雪兰,李红霞,程晓梅,徐伟嘉,刘永红.佛山市机动车尾气排放清单及特征分析[J].环境污染与防治, 2013, 35(11).

[13].丁卉,刘永红,曹生现.基于模糊-灰色聚类方法的城市空气质量评价[J].环境科学与技术. 2013, 36(12M):374-379.

[14].包艳萍,刘永红,黄建彰,等.佛山市发展公交车尾气削减潜力分析[J].环境科学与技术, 2013, 2: 040.

[15].廖瀚博,余志,刘永红,等. ETC 系统运行的环境影响分析[J]. 环境科学研究, 2012, 25(2): 212-219.

[16].刘永红,冯婷,蔡铭. 2009 年广州能见度变化规律及主要影响因素分析[J].中国环境监测, 2012, 28(3): 32-37.

[17].刘永红,谢敏,蔡铭,李璐. 基于BP神经网络的佛山空气质量预报模型的研究[J].安全与环境学报,2011, 11,125-130.

[18].刘永红,冯婷,蔡铭. 广州灰霾现象的特征分析[J].环境科学研究, 2011, 24(10):10817-1087.

[19] 刘永红,余志,黄艳玲,蔡铭,徐伟嘉,李璐. 城市空气污染分布不均匀特征分析[J].中国环境监测, 2011, 27(3):93-96.

[20].刘永红,毕索阳,周兵,王成,廖瀚博,李璐,蔡铭. 佛山市中心城区机动车限行对污染物削减效果的分析[J], 中国环境科学, 2010, 30(11): 1563-1567.



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