曹军骥,男,汉族,1971年11月出生,研究员,博士生导师,国家基金委杰出青年科学基金获得者,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。现任中国科学院地球环境研究所所长,黄土与第四纪国家重点实验室学术委员会副主任、气溶胶与环境研究室主任、陕西省环境保护细粒子重点实验室主任。兼任亚洲气溶胶学会(AARA)主席、国际气溶胶学会(IARA)执委、国际空气与废弃物管理学会(AWMA)环境监测技术委员会主席兼中国学会主席、中国颗粒学会常务理事兼青年工作委员会副主任、气溶胶专业委员会副主任,SCI期刊《Journal of Air & Waste Management Association》副主编、SCI期刊《Aerosol & Air Quality Research》编辑、SCI期刊《Particuology》编委、核心期刊《中国粉体技术》编委,纽约科学院会员、美国科学促进会会员、美国地球物理研究会会员。
参与编写出版英文专著2部、中文2部,发表期刊论文270余篇,其中SCI论文170余篇,包括合作作者Science和PNAS各一篇,被SCI引用3000余次,第一作者单篇引用达200余次,论文高被引H指数26。入选美国信息科学研究所(ISI)基本科学指数(Essential Science Indicator)全世界地学高引用率科学家目录(排名528名)。
曾获第十二届中国青年科技奖、第十届“中国科学院十大杰出青年”称号(2010),第二届“SCOPUS寻找青年科学之星”环境科学领域成长奖(2010),第三届亚洲气溶胶研究青年科学家奖(国内唯一)(2009)、第二届中国科学院王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖(2009)、第五届中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖(2008)、首届中国气溶胶研究青年科学家奖(2007)、中国环境科学学会第四届青年科学奖(2003)、并作为主要参加者2次获得国家自然科学二等奖(2008, 2012)、2次获得陕西省自然科学一等奖(1999、2006)。
1. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., Zhang X.Y., Zou S.C., Fung K.K., Chow J.C., Watson J.G. Characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol in Pearl River Delta region, China during 2001 winter period. Atmospheric Environment. 37(11), 1451-1460, 2003.
2. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., Zou S.C., Fung K.K., Li Y., Watson J.G., Chow J.C. Spatial and seasonal variations of atmospheric organic carbon and elemental carbon in Pearl River Delta Region, China. Atmos. Environ., 38:4447-4456, 2004.
3. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Ho K.F., Zhang R.J., Jin Z.D., Shen Z.X., Chen G.C., Kang Y.M., Zou S.C., Zhang L.Z., Qi S.H., Dai M.H., Cheng Y., Hu K. Spatial and seasonal distributions of carbonaceous aerosols over China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 112(D22S11):1-9. doi:10.1029/ 2006JD008205, 2007.
4. Cao J.J., Wu F., Chow J.C., Lee S.C., Li Y., Chen S.W., An Z.S., Fung K.K., Watson J.G., Zhu C.S., Liu S.X. Characterization and source apportionment of atmospheric organic and elemental carbon during fall and winter of 2003 in Xi'an, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5:3127-3137. 1680-7324/acp/2005-5-3127, 2005.
5. Cao J.J., Zhu C.S., Tie X.X., Geng F.H., Xu H.M., Wang G.H., Han Y.M., Ho K.F., Ho. S.S.H. Characteristics and sources of carbonaceous aerosols from Shanghai, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 803–817, 2013.
6. Xu B.Q., Cao J.J., Hansen. J., Yao T.D., Joswia D.R., Wang N.L., Wu G.J., Wang M., Zhao H.B., Yang W., Liu X.Q., He J.Q. Black Soot and the Survival of Tibetan Glaciers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106, 22114-22118, 2009.
7. Cao J.J., Shen Z.X., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Lee S.C., Tie X.X., Ho K.F., Wang G.H., Han Y.M. Winter and Summer PM2.5 Chemical Compositions in Fourteen Chinese Cities . Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 62, 1214-1226, 2012.
8. Cao J.J., Xu H.M., Xu Q., Chen B.H., Kan H.D. Fine Particulate Matter Constituents and Cardiopulmonary Mortality in a Heavily-Polluted Chinese City. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(3), 373-378, 2012.
9. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Zhang X.Y., Chow J.C., An Z.S., Ho K.F., Watson J.G., Fung K.K., Wang Y.Q., Shen Z.X. Characterization of airborne carbonate over a site near Asian dust source regions during spring 2002 and its climatic and environmental significance. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 110(D03203):1-8. doi:10.1029/2004JD005244, 2005.
10. Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Wu F., Han Y.M., Jin Z.D., Shen Z.X., An Z.S. Size-differentiated source profiles for fugitive dust in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Atmos. Environ., 42(10):2261-2275, 2008.
11. Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Lee, S.C., Watson J.G. Evolution of PM2.5 measurements and standards in the U.S. and future perspectives for China. Aer. & Air Qual. Res., in press, 2013.
12. Cao J.J. Preface for the Special Issue for The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference. Aer. & Air Qual. Res., 12: 1037–1039, 2012.
13. Cao J.J., Chow J.C. Recent Advances for Aerosol and Environment Study in Asia. Particuology, 11, 3-4, 2013.
14. Cao J.J., Huang H., Lee S. C., Chow Judith C., Zou C.W. , Ho K.F., Watson John G. Indoor/Outdoor Relationships for Organic and Elemental Carbon in PM2.5 at Residential Homes in Guangzhou, China. Aer. & Air Qual. Res., 12: 902-910, 2012.
15. Cao J.J., Wang Q.Y., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Tie X.X., Shen Z.X., Wang P., An Z.S. Impacts of aerosol compositions on visibility impairment in Xi’an, China. Atmos. Environ., 59, 559-566, 2012.
16. Huang Wei, Cao J.J., Tao Y.B., Dai L.Z., Lu S.E., Hou B., Wang Z., Zhu T. Seasonal Variation of Chemical Species Associated with Short-term Mortality Effects of PM2.5 in Xi’an, A Central City in China. American Journal of Epidemiology, 175(6):556-566, 2012. (并列第一作者)
17. Cao Junji, Watson John G., Chow Judith C. A Special Issue of JA&WMA on Papers from the "Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement Conference" Introduction, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 61: 1091-1092, DOI: 10.1080/10473289.2011.617668, 2011.
18. Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Tao J., Lee S.C., Watson J.G., Ho K.F., Wang G.H., Zhu C.S., Han Y.M., Stable carbon isotopes in aerosols from Chinese cities: Influence of fossil fuels. Atmos. Environ., 45, 1359-1363, 2011.
19. Cao J.J., Li H., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Lee S.C., Rong B., Dong J.G., Ho K.F., Chemical Composition of Indoor and Outdoor Atmospheric Particles at Emperor Qin's Terra-cotta Museum, Xi’an, China. Aer. & Air Qual. Res., 11, 70–79, 2011.
20. Cao J.J., Tie X.X., Xu B.Q., Zhao Z.Z., Zhu C.S., Li G.H., Liu S.X. Measuring and Modeling Black Carbon (BC) Contamination in the SE Tibetan Plateau. J. Atmos Chem., 67:45–60, 2010.
21. Cao J.J., Xu B.Q., He J.Q., Liu X.Q., Han Y.M., Wang G.H., Zhu C.S. Concentrations, Seasonal Variations, and Transport of Carbonaceous Aerosols at a Remote Mountainous Region in Western China. Atmos. Environ., 43, 4444-4452, 2009.
22. Cao J.J., Zhu C.S., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Han Y.M., Wang G.H., Shen Z.X., An Z.S. Black carbon relationships with emissions and meteorology in Xi’an, China. Atmos. Res., 94, 194-202, 2009.
23. Cao J.J., Zhang T., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Wu F., Li H. Characterization of atmospheric ammonia over Xi’an, China. Aer. & Air Qual. Res., 9, 277-289, 2009.
24. Cao J.J., Shen Z.X., Chow J.C., Qi G.W., Watson J.G. Seasonal Variations and Sources of Mass and Chemical Composition for PM10 Aerosol in Hangzhou, China, Particuology, 7, 161-168, 2009.
25. Cao J.J., Zhu C.S., Chow J.C., Liu W.G., Han Y.M., Watson J.G. Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Carbonate in Fugitive Dust in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Atmos. Environ., 42, 9118–9122, 2008.
26. Cao, J.J., Lee S.C., Chow J.C., Cheng Y., Ho K.F., Fung K., Liu S.X., Watson J.G. Indoor/Outdoor Relationships for PM2.5 and Associated Carbonaceous Pollutants at Residential Homes in Hong Kong –Case Study. Indoor Air, 15(3): 197-204, 2005.
27. Cao J. J., Wang Y.Q., Zhang X.Y., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., Cao Y.N., Li Y. Analysis of carbon isotope in airborne carbonate: implications for aeolian sources. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(15), 1637-1641, 2004.
28. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Zheng X.D., Ho K.F., Zhang X.Y., Guo H., Chow J.C., Wang H.B. Characterization of Dust Storms to Hong Kong in April 1998. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Focus 3: 213-229, 2003.
1. 赵景波,曹军骥 (2012). 青海湖流域的土壤水与土壤水库研究. 科学出版社, 北京, 1-265.
2. Cao J.J., (2011). Proceedings of The 7th Asian Aerosol Conference, Asian Aerosol Research Assembly: Xi’an, China. Page 1-1317.
3. Chow, J.C.; Watson, J.G.; Cao, J.J. (2010). Proceedings: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement. Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA. Page 1-1103.
4. 四家联合(美国国家工程院、美国国家研究理事会、中国工程院、中国科学院)(2008).能源前景与城市空气污染—中美两国所面临的挑战. 中国环境科学出版社,北京,1-244.
5. NRC (2007). Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution Challenges for China and the United States. National Academies Press: Washington, DC. http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12001
6. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F. (2003). Seasonal variation and characterization of carbonaceous aerosol in Pearl River Delta region, China. In Proceedings, 94th Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
7. Zhang, X.Y., Cao J.J., Su H., Zhang C.Z. (2001). Particulate pollution control in Xi'an. In Urban Air Pollution Control in China, United Nations Development Program and China International Center of Economic and Technology Exchange, Ed.; China Science & Technology Press: 222-293.
1. Cao J.J., Wang Q.Y., Chow J.C. (2012) Impacts of Aerosol Compositions on Visibility Impairment in Xi’an, China. AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore, 17 August 2012.(国际会议大会特邀报告)
2. Casuccio, G.S.; Watson, J.G.; Chow, J.C.; Cao, J.J. (2012). Symposium on Microscopic Methods and Applications to Ultrafine Particle/PM2.5/PM10 Characterization and Source Apportionment. Xi’an, China, 18 July 2012.
3. Cao Junji (2011) Characteristics and Control of Air Pollution in Xi'an. Invited talk in The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, Guangzhou, China, November 12, 2011. (国内组织国际会议大会特邀报告)
4. Cao Junji (2011) Atmospheric Black Carbon and Climate. Invited talk in The 28th Annual Conference of Chinese Meteorological Society, Xiamen, China, November 3, 2011.
5. Cao Junji (2011). Review for Analysis Methods about Black Carbon. Invited talk in The 6th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Shanghai, China, September 22, 2011.
6. Chow J.C., Watson J.G.., Cao J.J., and Lee S.C. (2011). Effects of Air Pollution on Ancient Terra-cotta Warriors in Xi’an China, presented at The Symposium on Novel Approaches to Air Quality Management and Improvement in India, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, 7 September 2011.
7. Cao Junji (2011). Long term trend of fine particles and their acidic capacity (PM2.5) in Xi’an, China, from 2004 to 2010, Invited talk in 8th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Beijing, China, June 17, 2011. (国内组织国际会议大会特邀报告)
8. Cao Junji (2011). Black carbon and air quality in China. Presented at The Mainland China-Taiwan-Pacific Rim Conference on Climate and Air Quality, Kona, Hawaii, 16 March 2011. (国际会议大会特邀报告)
9. Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Cao J.J., and Hidy G. (2011). Multipollutant Air Quality Assessment and Management, presented at The Mainland China-Taiwan-Pacific Rim Conference on Climate and Air Quality, Kona, Hawaii, 16 March 2011.
10. Cao Junji (2010). Black Carbon and its Environmental Effect. Plenary talk in The 7th Cross-straights Aerosol Technology Symposium and the Second Cross-straights Air Pollution Technology Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, November 22, 2010.
Black carbon has significant effects in both health of human beings and global warming, as a key component of PM2.5. ...
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School of Environment, Tsinghua University
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Vehicle Emission Control Center of MEP