On 15st September, the 3rd Bluetech Award Campaign just closed call for application. 63 applications from 13 countries have applied for this year.. The 3rd Bluetech award's focusing clean air technology categories include diesel engine emission reduction technologies, e......
On September 21, the 2nd International Conference/Exhibition on Combustion, Incineration / Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change (K-CIPEC) was held in Seoul, Korea.Representatives from the Ministry of Environment (Korea), Beijing University, Hoseo University, Hanseo Uni......
On August 29, 2017, Taiyuan Urban Planning and Design Institute, the Secretariat of Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC) and Shanxi Environmental Planning Institute jointly issued a report called "Analysis Taiyuan Electric Taxi Promotion Case and Suggestions for other citi......
On August 17th and 18th, VOCs Pollution Control and Prevention for Jing-Jin-Ji Region and Monitoring Technology Development Forum was held in Tianjin. The forum was focused on policy interpretation, industrial demands on VOCs controltechnology and face to face discussio......
Aug 16th, 2017, Beijing: while entering the final year of the 2013-2017 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan ( Air Ten Measures), many of the local government put their work focus on achieving the targets mandated by the plan. The Air Ten Measures had alread......
On the afternoon of July 26, 2017, the Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions (secretariat of Clean Air Alliance of China) held a seminar on the implementation of LDAR and the proposed measures for management problems. The seminar discussed LDAR's existing problems, m......
On July 26, 2017, the Seminar on Taiyuan’s Experience in Electric Vehicle Promotion was held in Beijing. The seminar wasjointly organized by the Innovation Center for Clean air Solutions (secretariat of Clean Air Alliance of China) and Taiyuan Urban Planning and Design R......
On July 5th, a training session on urban air quality attainment plan management was opened at Chengdu, Sichuan. Domestic and foreign experts and scholars were invited to discuss several issues, including how to implement the provisions of air law; support the implementat......
On May 18th, the meeting for typical case analysis and policy recommendation on clean energy substitution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was held in Beijing.Experts from the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), Beijing Municipal Commission of Rural Af......
On May 17th, Kick off meeting for China air quality management assessment project in 2017 was held in Beijing.Experts from the Energy Foundation, Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Beijing EPB), the World Environment magazine, and Chinese Academy for Envi......