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3rd Bluetech Award International Clean Air Technology Campaign -looking for advanced clean air technologiesPost date: 2017-04-28

On April 27, 2017the Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions, Sponsored by the Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC), hosted the 3rd Bluetech Award International Clean Air Technology Campaign launch meeting in Beijing calling for applications for the 3rd Bluetech Award an......

The Policy, Technology and Market Outlook for the "Bluetech" Clean Air was LaunchedPost date: 2017-04-16

On April 16th, 2017, the policy, technology and market outlook for the "Bluetech" Clean Air was launched at Beihang University. Representatives from the Appraisal Center for Environment & Engineering at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beihang University, Be......

Leading the Charge: US-China Collaboration on Clean Air Creates Huge OpportunityPost date: 2017-04-07

California, Mar.28th, 2017: Air Pollution continues to be a major environmental and social problem in China. As one of the approaches tackling it, the collaboration between China and the United States will not only create a huge market, but also benefit both in addressin......

Disaggregated Coal Emission Control in ShanxiPost date: 2017-03-31

On March 21st, 2017, the kick off meeting for Shanxi Air Quality Management Project Phase III was held in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. The meeting was jointly organized by Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC) and Shanxi Academy of Environmental Planning. Representatives ......

Changzhou Air Quality Management Pilot Project phase Ⅲ LaunchedPost date: 2017-03-31

On March 16th, 2017, the kick off meeting for City Air Quality Management Pilot Project Phase Ⅲ was held in Changzhou city, Jiangsu Province. The meeting was jointly organized by Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC) and Changzhou Research Academy of Environmental Sciences.......

Clean Energy Substitution in Beijing An Investigation of Air-Source Heat Pump & Electric Thermal Storage Heater Post date: 2017-03-01

In 2015 Beijing municipality published a guideline for improving coal-fired substitution in rural areas. The policy has helped the coal powered to electric power substitution to lead the way in clean energy substitution. A project group, co-hosted by the Innovation Cente......

Disaggregated Coal Combustion is a Hot TopicPost date: 2017-02-15

Emissions from disaggregated coal combustion is a major cause of heavy pollution in Northern China during winter. It is further a difficult problem for air pollution control in China.In the 14th meeting of the central financial leading group, President Xi Jinping stresse......

Bluetech Award Follow Up: Bluetech Award Winners and Finalists Participated in Matchmaking Activities in Shenzhen, Guangdong ProvincePost date: 2016-12-19

The Shenzhen Air Quality Measurement and CleanAir Technology Workshop and matchmaking activity took place on December 19thand 20th. The activities were hosted by the Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Sciences and Secretariat for Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC)with sup......

Cool Tech:Next Generation Monitoring Technologies for EnforcementPost date: 2016-12-16

Air quality and pollution monitoring is elementary for air quality forecasts and episode warnings and is one of the keysupporting tools for local environmental enforcement. A well-established emission inventory helps authorities to better understand the local emission so......

Call for Sollutions: Disaggregated Coal Pollution Control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei RegionPost date: 2016-12-16

Pollution from disaggregated coal is one of the main air pollution sources in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiregion (BTH). Generally, pollution from disaggregated coal is seasonal; it is more seriousin winter due to coal-fired heating. In order to better implement the national......